Are you the type to be talkin’ strong baddie talk one minute, but then you’re desperate & depressy Debbie deep in your DMs the next? Do you “trust God” for a husband but then also obsess over those dating apps? Just quit it.
Single Seasoned is here to help you. Did you know God has a way of doing things? It’s pretty simple actually. And He took me through it. Now I’m guna share it with you!
It ain’t a pity party - it’s a preparation party. A masterclass in marination. Because before God brings you your person - before a real man of God comes to pursue you - honey, you need to get seasoned. This means becoming the most bold, blessed, and biblically seasoned version of yourself.
Because unseasoned singleness leads to undercooked relationships. And bland don’t belong in the kingdom. Ick.
Lemme slap the rest of the clinginess & desperation off of you, sis. You were lookin’ a little crusty. I want you to know, Single Seasoned is guna get you so secure in your identity in Christ, so satisfied in Him, and so locked in on your God-given purpose, that you aren’t waiting for a man to come make your life make sense. You’ll be fulfilled in His love for you, and focused on running your own race.
Now before you freak out that I’m about to divert you away from ever getting a man… let me assure you that God wants you married. He just has an order in getting there. This is Bible. And it’s actually the fastest way to your person. If you lock in with me, I’ll show ya what He showed me. I’ll have you runnin’ your race… and before you know it, you’ll look over and see a lil’ cutie running his own race right next to you. His eyes will be fixed on Jesus, and he’ll be chasing his own calling. But you’ll realize not only do your paths align, but you compliment and enhance each other’s work for the kingdom! That’s when you know it’s from God, and it’s time to join forces and run the race together.
God writes the best love stories. But He has a couple chapters He wants to write with you first.
You ready?!
Need help deciding which option is best for you? Shoot me an email at and let’s figure it out together.
I can’t wait to share God’s greatness with you!